U.S. All Black/White Delivered - Some Nickel Waiting For Check In at Fulfillment Center
Since the last update we delivered over 4000 orders in the U.S. All black/white grinders and over 1000 nickel grinders have been delivered.
The overall shipping experience with Amazon fulfillment has gone really well. Unfortunately one of our shipments is having a delay receiving all of the units that were sent with it.
When the shipment arrives at the Amazon fulfillment center all of the individual units must be unpacked from their master cartons and scanned to check them into the fulfillment center. Once they are scanned and checked in they are able to ship out.
We have one shipment that arrived at Amazon's fulfillment center several weeks ago but only half of the units have been checked in. This is likely because Amazon has been extremely backed up with an inventory rush for Holiday sales. Because of this there are still a couple hundred nickel grinders that have not been shipped.
We apologize if you are still waiting for your nickel grinder and we are contacting Amazon daily trying to resolve this problem. The units are at the fulfillment center and as soon as they are scanned in we will ship them out to you.
As soon as your shipment is on the way you will receive an email with a tracking number from Amazon. Please do not email us asking for tracking information. It will be sent as soon as it is available.
All Direct International Orders Shipped
Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Sweden, Brazil, New Zealand, Switzerland, South Korea, Finland, Norway, South Africa, Mexico, China, Russia, Chile, Israel, Iceland, Peru, Colombia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Ireland, India, Ecuador, Pakistan, Egypt, Macao
We have shipped all orders that have confirmed their shipping addresses for the countries above. There was a slight delay with the 3PL because there was a shortage of shipping boxes (we don't understand how that is possible either).
When the first shipment went out there were ~600 confirmed orders. It takes a few days for the 3PL to send us the tracking numbers so we weren't able to email them out until December 1st. Most of those orders have already been delivered.
Since then ~200 more people confirmed their shipping address and those orders are shipping out this week. We have not received tracking numbers back from the 3PL yet so please be patient if you are waiting for one. We will email them as soon as we receive them.
International Orders Fulfilled by Local Distributors
Orders in the countries listed below are currently on boats to their final destination. Some orders left sooner than others because each distributor had to make their own shipping arrangements. Once the shipment arrives in each country it will be transported to the distributors warehouse and your order will be shipped directly from there.
The format for each country is [Country] - [Date shipment left factory]
Canada - 11/29
Australia - 12/5
UK - 12/6
Taiwan - 11/10
Europe - 12/24
Malaysia - 12/14
Philippines - 12/9
In general we expect it to take 30-45 days for the shipments to travel by sea, make it through customs and be transported by truck to the warehouse. We will try to either have the distributors email you the tracking information or we will get it from them and email it to you.
Please do not email us asking for tracking information. It will be sent as soon as it is available.
New Copper + Clear Coat Samples On The Way
We found a new supplier that is able to apply a clear protective coating to the copper pieces. We sent them a few sets of freshly electroplated copper pieces as samples for them to apply the coating to. We should have them back within the next week or two and will be able to test them and make a decision if we can move forward from there.
Only 60 Hours Left to Get a GINA Smart Brewer

Our friends at Goat Story have created an incredible new brewing device that can brew for pour over, immersion and slow drip cold brew. Each of these brewing methods uses a different grind size so Handground is a natural fit. GINA also has a built in scale and smartphone app to track your brew and store recipes.
Check out the GINA Kickstarter Campaign Here
Fellow Launches New Electric Stagg Kettle

Our friends at Fellow just launched a Kickstarter for an electric version of their Stagg kettle. Sure the Stagg EKG can make water hot and pour it precisely. And yes it can connect to your phone so you can warm your water while you're warm in bed. But if you want to know why Jake is dunking watermelon into coffee... You'll have to watch the video to find out!
Check Out the Stagg EKG Kickstarter Here
Photos and Videos From Handground Community

Click here to see more photos and reviews of Handground
Thank You and Happy Holidays!
Seeing all the photos of Handground being used all over the world has been incredible! We are so happy with how the project has turned out and to hear that the extra time and effort put into improving Handground during the development period has paid off.
Overall we are seeing defect rates of <2% and most of the time the problem was caused by a mistake in the assembly process, like a screw in the gearbox not being tightened all the way or a forgotten grip pad. If you have any problems with your grinder please email us at hello@handground.com and we will help you fix them or send a replacement!
Please realize we answer emails first in, first out, so it may take 24-48 hours to receive a response, or a bit longer if it was right after the weekend or a holiday. However we do respond to every single email we receive.
Happy holidays,
Daniel & Brandon